
How To Make An App Simikar To Uber

Develop An App Like Uber in 2021 (Cost, Features, Business Model etc.)

Sophia Martin

So finally you have decided to launch your taxi booking app in the ride-sharing market. Think twice, are you seriously ready? Only knowing the app development model and technology will not be enough to create an app like Uber or Ola. Therefore, before you hire mobile app developer or getting into the development process, you need to gulp down an in-depth analysis report on the ride-sharing market.

Today, in metropolitan cities, where lanes are full packed with traffic and lacking parking space, ride-sharing apps like Uber, Ola have become a great relief for people. In recent time, the rapidly increasing demand for personal car rides has encouraged entrepreneurs to think about how to develop an app like Uber and launch it in the local market or even worldwide.

Well, the development of Uber-like apps is an excellent move for both entrepreneurs and transportation companies. But developing an Uber-like app is not as simple as waving your magic wand.

If you consider the status of Uber, it has been estimated that it will grow to $319 Million by 2023. There are various applications including Ola, Meru, Savaari and many more on the app store that is far away from Uber's status.

So, put all your myths at the bay and dig deep into the app development process to find the answer of the burning question- how much does it cost you?

Overview of Uber Apps

Before you step ahead towards the topic, I would like you to know "what exactly Uber Apps are made of?"

Since its inception in 2013, today, Uber app has become the most demanding car booking app, currently operating in 80+ countries, including 800 cities with 24*7 car booking services. With the brilliant app structure, the Uber app connects thousands of drivers with millions of riders through the Android and iOS app. With the inbuilt GPS feature of the app, both driver and passenger can locate the real-time location of each other and cut down the risk of communication gap.

Sounds impressive, right! With the seamless app-interface, hassle-free connection, easy navigation, mindful marketing campaigns and rare error reports, Uber has stood apart in the industry and captured the most extensive section of the market.

That's not all! Uber is not just a single app. Instead, the company runs this app with two frontends and backend to ensure smooth functioning of the app.

Let's split the development segment of the Uber app development structure and learn how long each section takes to develop:

Uber Backend

The backend is the backbone of the Uber app! The server of the uber gathers all the requests from both the uber apps (driver and passenger app), processes it and accordingly sends an appropriate response. Uber has a robust backend to ensure faster processing of the data and ensure better functionality of the app.

How Do Uber Apps Work Flawlessly?

Developing an App like Uber is not just about hiring the best mobile app development company, In fact, if there is anything that makes Uber a winner, that is only its seamless functionality. The Uber business model consists of five simple steps and keeps the processing far streamlined and straightforward. If you need to build your uber app, you need first to understand these simple steps:

Step 1: Customer Ride Request: Once the app has been installed on a smartphone either Android/iOS, customer can access the app to request a car based on the availability. The customer request is visible to the nearby drivers and contact details will be automatically shared with the nearest driver who receives the customer request.

Step 2: Find the Right Match: The driver has the option to either accept or decline the request. Once the driver refuses the customer request, it will be passed to another driver.

Step 3: Board Ride: Once your contact details have been shared with the driver, the rider can quickly locate the real-time location of the cab and know the estimated time of arrival.

Step 4: Make a Payment: Before you board the ride, Uber app will give you an exact estimation of the ride cost. The cashless way of payment makes this process smoother and hassle-free for both parties.

Step 5: Rating and Reviews: Lastly, after the completion of the ride, drivers are rated by the customer on various basis.

Whether you are hire mobile app developers for developing a taxi booking app for Android, iOS or cross-platform, these are the necessary steps that you need to follow to make an app like Uber.

What Features to Look In to Build Your Own Uber App: Development Cost & Time Insights?

The moment you decide to develop an app like-Uber, the first question that probably hits your mind is how much does it cost you? How long does it take to prepare? Do you need to hire Android app developers? The most common answer is, both of the things sorely depending upon the complexity level you are adding to the functionality and what features are stuffing in your app.

But here, we'll help you dig deep and provide you real insights of features along with the estimated time and cost to help you make an informed decision.

Furthermore, by the end of this post, you will get to know the overall taxi app development cost in Dubai, UAE, Middle East, USA.

So, how to build a taxi app like ola, uber with a necessary feature?

1. Geolocation, Routing and Direction

Geolocation and routing servers are the real heroes behind the success of the Uber app!

This is the first and the essential feature that we would consider in any cab booking app. Many entrepreneurs from the transport sector are in the dilemma that taxi booking apps are purely based on GPS systems. Yes, it is! But, it conceals the intricate architecture and process to know the exact distance and route. Instead, solely relying on the GPS systems, they would need a routing server as well for seamless routing and ride-matching mechanisms.

If talking about the technical side of this feature, routes and direction in Android versions are powered by Google Maps whereas the CoreLocation framework empowers iOS app versions.

Approximate Cost to Integrate Geolocation and Routing Feature

2. Cashless Payment

If you are considering building your uber like app, the second essential feature that you must look for is the secure and seamless payment feature. To provide accurate cost estimation right in the app, Uber uses a fare calculator that can evaluate various factors while providing the travel cost to the users. The fare rates are majorly depending on the type of vehicle you book (SUV, Sedan, Uber premium), base fare, cost per minute, safe ride fees, cost per mile and so on.

Whether you are creating an Uber app in Android or iOS- there are multiple payment features you can add, including Paypal, numerous credit cards, scan card by screen, and so on.

Approx cost to make an app like Uber in android/iOS with this feature

3. Registration and Profile

When it comes to on-demand taxi app development, customer registration and profiles are the two most important features that help you track the user base. To make this process quick and straightforward, you can allow customers to get their registrations done via a social media platform or directly through email. Also, you can ask to add their contact number.

For driver profiles, you can ask to complete the minimum formalities to provide a photo, name, and car license number. To make your app feature-rich, you can check at rating and review system additionally to make your app look client-oriented.

Approx cost to build an app like Uber in iOS/ android with registration and profile feature

4. App Notification

To keep your customers informed or updated with your latest offers, discounts or budget ride packages, Uber uses two different tools for the push notifications.

When building an Uber-like app for Android- Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM) is used.

When creating an Uber-like app for iOS- Apple Push Notification Service(APN) is used.

Approx cost to build a feature for Notification

5. Prior Scheduling or Ride

To book a ride beforehand, like for weekend trips, outstation travel or full day, users prefer to book their taxi in advance. To add this privilege to your app, you need to look for a taxi booking app development company.

Approx cost to build a feature for Ride Scheduling

6. UI/UX Design

This is what eats up the most significant section of the app development cost. There are various ride-sharing apps in the market, but, since Uber has the most beautiful, simple-to-use and secure UI/UX; therefore, Uber is strongly dominating the ride-sharing market.

Hire Android app developer for UX/UI design to keep the interface of the app simple and clear. Whereas for Apple devices, hire iOS app developer that will customize the app adhering iOS app development rules.

Approx Cost to build simple and clear UX/UI design of the App

7. Cancellation of Ride Without Penalties

To provide great comfort to the rides, this is the feature that you need to pour in. Uber allows their riders to cancel the ride in 2 minutes without causing any penalties or cancellation fees. The feature is specifically designed to avoid the loss of time, and money when a customer quite the ride or delayed the booked ride.

If you choose to hire app developer in Dubai, UAE, India, then they can create this feature at:

What is the Final Overall Cost of Developing Uber-like App In Android and iOS?

Mobile app development solutions never come at the static price, as different apps have different requirements and their costing varies accordingly. Still, if considering all the necessary features and factors including the above one, that make your on-demand taxi booking app stand apart in the industry, it has been concluded that the final cost to develop an app like Uber is in between $55000 to $120,000 for Android or iOS platforms.

Here is the split of app development cost and time it takes to develop:

The estimation of the app can vary according to different companies, skills and experience of the developer. Also, business owners can pick the features that best fit their requirements and budget to launch the app. Further the app is upgraded with the add-on features to match the level of Uber.

What are the best technologies to build an app?

If we consider this question "how to build an app like Uber in Android/iOS", then it is better you consult it from the app's tech stacks. The tech team of developers are not only well-versed with the latest technologies and also able to clubbed the functionalities and features to your app with the right choice of app development programming languages.

How Can You Beat The Uber App?

If you are assuming that knowing the overall structure of the Uber-like app and technologies to build this app is enough to launch your app, you are making a horrible mistake.

The best way to put your brand first in the competition, it is best to collaborate with the reputed mobile app development company that understands the pulse of the market and deploy proven methodologies to develop apps with unique and innovative strategies. The cost to make apps like Uber, ola etc, can be expensive if you are considering building it with an in-house team; therefore, I strongly recommend you to hire developers on an hourly basis.

Here are the average hourly cost of skilled developers in three major countries.

  • USA: $80-120+/hr
  • India: $15–25+/hr
  • UAE: $15- 25+/hr

Once you hire mobile app developers, you can integrate below mentioned few latest-technology based features in your app.

Ending Note

Building an on-demand taxi app like Uber is a long process and requires a hefty amount of dedication, time and money. Developing this advanced level of application for the startup and SMEs can be a little expensive; therefore, this blog has explained each segment and feature of this application along with price and time it takes to develop.

Hence, the business owner can pick and customize the structure of the application that best suits their needs and budget. Later get in touch with app development company and upgrade the app with advanced features and promote existing business with mindfully designed marketing campaigns.

Read More: Want To Hire Mobile App Development Company? Here are Some Top Tips

How To Make An App Simikar To Uber


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