
Wayfair Interview Of Designers - Professional Christmas Decorating

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  • 1.

    Have you ever broken company rules to make a customer happy?

      Breaking the rules, and bending them, CAN be different from each other. Often, organizations are okay with you bending the rules to keep a customer happy. You need to know your audience, though! From researching Wayfair, you know they like their policies and procedures, but they also value flexibility and thinking on your feet. Discuss how you feel about customer happiness and what you would do if you needed to break a rule to make a customer happy.

      Rachelle's Answer

      "We do not strictly enforce policy in my current company. It isn't for lack of caring but the opposite. Our CEO knows that if we needed to bend a rule, it was for a good reason. With that said, I am comfortable following Wayfair policies because they are more than reasonable. I like that your company puts customer happiness first because that makes it easy always to do the right thing when faced with a customer conundrum."

      Rachelle's Answer

      "I have been known to bend a rule or two, with the permission of my superiors, of course. I believe it's important to cater to a client in every way possible, so long as it is not harmful to the company. Certain rules and deadlines do not necessarily work for some customers, as they do for others. I understand that Wayfair operates with a similar mentality. Is this correct?"

  • 2.

    What ideas have you created in the last year that benefited your current or former employer?

      Innovation, change, involvement, and team collaboration are all characteristics important to Wayfair as they make their hiring decisions. The interviewer would like to know if your creative side has benefitted your employer in any way. Talk to the interviewer about a recent time when you have helped your employer through your creative thinking. This type of involvement also shows that you are highly engaged when it comes to your work.

      Rachelle's Answer

      "I'm a creator by nature and constantly thinking up new ways to benefit the organization and improve processes. Most recently, I saw a gap in the new hire training and created a practice to teach new team members the information they need to be equipped and successful on the job. We continue to build upon it with training materials and incorporation of top talent into the program as mentors."

      Rachelle's Answer

      "I genuinely appreciate working for a company that values my opinion when it comes to process streamlining and operations. This year, I made a couple of recommendations for planning and organizational apps that we have recently incorporated. Most notable was the use of Google Docs and Trello."

      Anonymous Answer

      "I'm an ideas person by nature and constantly think up new ways to benefit the organization and improve processes and key metrics. Most recently, I brought in a dedicated UI/UX designer to conduct 5-day product design sprints to help create product specs, reducing average completion time from 4.5 weeks down to 1, cutting overall software development delivery by a healthy margin."

      Rachelle's Answer

      This example showcases your analytical thinking very well. You are telling the interviewer that you are creative, innovative, and keep company resources top of mind.

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      Anonymous Answer

      "When I conduct user research, I keep a slide deck for the tasks performed and key findings. This has two benefits. First, to see how each task informs another job. Second, it can be shared with any newcomers on the team and you. Rather than providing a lengthy report, this can be easily shared and digested through a project lifecycle."

      Rachelle's Answer

      This is a brilliant idea and likely streamlines a lot of information. Excellent job!

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  • 3.

    We seek to hire those with deep customer instincts. How do you 'think like a customer?'

      To think like a customer shows that you can put yourself in their shoes, being helpful and empathetic to their needs. Discuss with the interviewer how you can 'think like a customer' and mention how this practice boosts your effectiveness at work.

      Rachelle's Answer

      "If I were to tap into the mind of a Wayfair customer, I would think about the biggest issue they need to overcome in their home. I would think about the most convenient way to solve that problem and any potential objections or issues that could come up along the way. Also, I have a good idea of what a Wayfair customer would need because I am one! I deeply understand the importance of getting into the minds of the customer."

      Rachelle's Answer

      "I have been well trained in customer service and sales. To think like a customer, you first need to ask yourself what the customer's top 3 problems are. Then, think about the products that could help them overcome that problem. Customers want to be heard and offered a viable solution from someone knowledgable and able to step into their shoes at the same time."

      Anonymous Answer

      "Teams building software today interact with users a lot. We should be running interviews with customers to identify wants and needs and collecting a rich set of qualitative and quantitative user feedback on the product. We should also conduct usability sessions to make sure what we're about to build is useful and usable. Going one step further, I'd want to run empathy sessions, where we bring together a cross-functional team of product, engineers, customer support and take a specific part of the app and try to use it as a customer would. We'd give the group a few tasks to complete and a customer persona and scenario to embody throughout the session and incorporate feedback into the product."

      Rachelle's Answer

      10/10! Your response is comprehensive, well laid out, and full of awesome suggestions. Well done.

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  • 4.

    At Wayfair, we work openly and cross-functionally. Tell me about a time when team collaboration changed the course of your day.

      Cross-functional work environments mean that you work with team members from other departments, positions, and areas of expertise - all towards one common goal. Wayfair is very open about the fact that they are a highly collaborative workplace, so the interviewer wants to hear that you feel accomplished through teamwork.

      Talk about a time when you felt fulfilled through a team setting or project collaboration. If you are new to your career, an example may be a time when you worked on a team project in University or possibly an extracurricular experience such as coaching a little league team.

      If you have some work experience, talk about a time when you got together with your coworkers and saw something exciting come to fruition. Be sure to show enthusiasm in your response!

      Rachelle's Answer

      "Our marketing team recently worked on a major campaign for a well-known brand. It was by far the biggest project in my portfolio. I was the junior copywriter on the project and delivered amazing work, not just because I always strive to do my best, but because the more senior members of the team believed in my work. Their encouragement and faith in my work were all I needed to elevate my work even further."

      Rachelle's Answer

      "Last Christmas, we were short-staffed and ran off of our feet during the biggest shopping season of the year. The struggle, the overtime hours, but also the excitement of huge sales numbers put our team on a type of high that I had not seen before. It was pure adrenaline and super exciting. This experience is by far the best example of cross-functional work that I have ever seen. I loved the excitement and the way we all banded together to ensure the success of our store."

  • 5. Wayfair is one of the world's largest online destinations for the home. Why are you the best candidate for us? Time for your elevator pitch! The competition will likely be tight for this role, so have a few stand-out reasons prepared for why Wayfair should hire you. Bragging about yourself in an interview can be tough to do, but this is your time to shine. Think about which characteristics and career accomplishments have made you a stand-out candidate. Perhaps you have received some academic awards or have been given individual accolades in your most recent position. There is nobody like you, and now you need to express that to the interviewer. Example #1: "I am the best candidate for you because I show levels of dedication and follow-through that are uncommon in the workplace. As a manager, my team members are always very responsive to my upbeat and open approach. I have worked for two major furniture manufacturers, have the experience of traveling to China on buying opportunities. You will not be disappointed in my performance if you choose to hire me." Example #2: "I have a consistent history of exceeding my goals and obtaining very high-performance reviews. I have been promoted two times in the last year, which is nearly unheard of in my current company. In addition to these successes, I am bi-lingual in Spanish and English, making me able to teach, train, and assist people who do not have English as their first language." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i play chess in my spare time. i love strategic thinking and enjoy problem-solving. scaling products, people, and processes are things i love doing, all while obsessing about doing right by the customer. i can balance short-term needs with longer-term, more strategic goals. i communicate that to my team so they can stay engaged and motivated. you will not be disappointed in my performance if you choose to hire me." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It's great that you were able to add in a little bit about yourself (chess) while keeping your answer very relevant to the job. This answer is fantastic! Here is an anonymous answer example: "i've been told that my friendly, warm, and approachable demeanor is a true gift. people instantly feel comfortable around me and want to open up around me and collaborate. it has served me well in many ways: speaking with customers, presenting to leadership teams, and establishing trust and credibility with clients. i go above and beyond for my teams and always have their back. you will be delighted to have me on your team should you choose to hire me." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: You sound like a true pleasure to work with and very aware of how your positive approach impacts those around you. Wonderful answer! Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "i play chess in my spare time. i love strategic thinking and enjoy problem-solving. scaling products, people, and processes are things i love doing, all while obsessing about doing right by the customer. i can balance short-term needs with longer-term, more strategic goals. i communicate that to my team so they can stay engaged and motivated. you will not be disappointed in my performance if you choose to hire me.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It's great that you were able to add in a little bit about yourself (chess) while keeping your answer very relevant to the job. This answer is fantastic!: An anonymous person wrote: "i've been told that my friendly, warm, and approachable demeanor is a true gift. people instantly feel comfortable around me and want to open up around me and collaborate. it has served me well in many ways: speaking with customers, presenting to leadership teams, and establishing trust and credibility with clients. i go above and beyond for my teams and always have their back. you will be delighted to have me on your team should you choose to hire me.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: You sound like a true pleasure to work with and very aware of how your positive approach impacts those around you. Wonderful answer!: 6. Due to the Wayfair customer promise, we face aggressive deadlines daily. How will you cope with this pressure? Wayfair offers over 10 million products and pulls in revenue over $4 billion per year. The interviewer would like to know if you can appropriately handle the stress related to this volume. Discuss how you can thrive, even during the most stressful times. You can keep your answer brief but, if you can, provide an example of a time when you implemented a stress-management technique in your current role. Example #1: "I am quite resilient to stress and believe this is because of my eight-plus years' experience being in a management role in a fast-paced environment. I enjoy a busy workday and am not afraid of a little bit of hard work! When I have a team that I can rely on, it's a significant release of pressure as well." Example #2: "I have experienced high-stress levels many times in an e-commerce and retail environment. These times of stress might be when I have an overly aggressive and angry client to deal with or during peak times like Black Friday or holiday sales. To keep myself grounded, I ensure that I come to work well-rested. Also, I bring a book to read during my lunch breaks. It's an escape for me, to read a book, versus spending spare time on social media." Here is an anonymous answer example: "usually, i feel the most pressure when there is seemingly a significant problem at hand. during those times, i typically take a step back and create a plan or framework on how i will get through the situation, breaking it up into smaller, more achievable tasks. it calms me to know that the big thing will be solved once i get through these steps." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Your approach to pressure and deadlines seems organized and under control. Good work! Here is an anonymous answer example: "come to work with a positive mindset." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Marcie Wilmot said: Good answer! Having a positive attitude at work will definitely help you to cope with pressure and stress. Consider providing additional details about how you will ensure you're in a positive frame of mind when you come to work and how you will maintain it while on the job. Will you listen to upbeat music on the way to work? Will you repeat positive mantras in your mind? Will you take a quick walk at lunch to make sure you stay in a good mood? Giving more information about how you will achieve and maintain this state of mind will show the interviewer that you have a plan to implement it. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "usually, i feel the most pressure when there is seemingly a significant problem at hand. during those times, i typically take a step back and create a plan or framework on how i will get through the situation, breaking it up into smaller, more achievable tasks. it calms me to know that the big thing will be solved once i get through these steps.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Your approach to pressure and deadlines seems organized and under control. Good work!: An anonymous person wrote: "come to work with a positive mindset.": Marcie Wilmot reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Good answer! Having a positive attitude at work will definitely help you to cope with pressure and stress. Consider providing additional details about how you will ensure you're in a positive frame of mind when you come to work and how you will maintain it while on the job. Will you listen to upbeat music on the way to work? Will you repeat positive mantras in your mind? Will you take a quick walk at lunch to make sure you stay in a good mood? Giving more information about how you will achieve and maintain this state of mind will show the interviewer that you have a plan to implement it.: 7. Wayfair offers rapid growth and professional development. Which long-term path would you take with us if you could choose? It's a good idea to visit the Wayfair careers site to understand the options you have when it comes to professional growth and career path. If there is a specific role you want to earn in the long-term, check out the Wayfair employees on LinkedIn. Perhaps you can find someone who has your dream job. Check out their profile and note the education, training, and other steps they decided on to get where they are today. Most important of all, show excitement and eagerness to grow with Wayfair. They offer a multitude of opportunities for their employees to develop. Example #1: "I saw a Wayfair job posting for an Analytics Product Manager and thought that job was precisely what I would want to do for Wayfair down the road. I do not have experience managing technical analysts; however, if given the opportunity to start with some leadership training, I would gladly jump at the chance." Example #2: "If I could choose any long-term career path with Wayfair, I would choose to earn my way into an executive position on your human resources team. The amount of people you hire, train, and develop is inspiring. I know I would need to expand my education into a masters' degree or MBA, but I am ready to take steps to get there over time." Here is an anonymous answer example: "if i could choose any long-term career path with wayfair, i'd prefer to earn my way into an executive position on the data science/analytics team. the amount of people you hire, train, and develop is inspiring. i'm eager to learn and build my machine learning and ai skills and see what kind of competitive edge i might provide against other leaders in the online retail space." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: You have a solid long-term plan with Wayfair, which is exactly what the interviewer wants to see. Here is an anonymous answer example: "by following wayfair on medium, i learned about the content strategy development program created for content strategists at wayfair, and they meet wed at 3 pm. professional development has always been important to me; i would not be where i am without continually learning and uncovering new curiosities. i have gone through it as a solo experience in previous positions and pushed teams to do ideo courses. in a group environment, we are more accountable and catalyze each person's growth. can you tell me if there is another development program for the design teams?" In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: The level of research you have performed on Wayfair is awesome! You are obviously invested in this process and eager to grow within their organization. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "if i could choose any long-term career path with wayfair, i'd prefer to earn my way into an executive position on the data science/analytics team. the amount of people you hire, train, and develop is inspiring. i'm eager to learn and build my machine learning and ai skills and see what kind of competitive edge i might provide against other leaders in the online retail space.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: You have a solid long-term plan with Wayfair, which is exactly what the interviewer wants to see.: An anonymous person wrote: "by following wayfair on medium, i learned about the content strategy development program created for content strategists at wayfair, and they meet wed at 3 pm. professional development has always been important to me; i would not be where i am without continually learning and uncovering new curiosities. i have gone through it as a solo experience in previous positions and pushed teams to do ideo courses. in a group environment, we are more accountable and catalyze each person's growth. can you tell me if there is another development program for the design teams?": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: The level of research you have performed on Wayfair is awesome! You are obviously invested in this process and eager to grow within their organization.: 8. This position may require you to attend tradeshows. Are you restricted in any way, when it comes to travel? Depending on the role to which you are applying, you may need to travel to trade shows, visit vendors, make deals with suppliers, or do quality control checks at partner warehouses. Be open and honest with the interviewer when it comes to your schedule and availability. If you can travel without restrictions, your response can be straightforward. If not, you should get into a bit of detail on how you can accommodate. Be sure to focus on the positive (what you CAN offer) rather than the negative (what you CANNOT offer). Example #1: "I have a valid passport and have no physical restrictions when it comes to travel. As long as my family has enough notice to accommodate for my absence, I am flexible and ready for travel." Example #2: "I have experience with tradeshows and am happy to attend any that do not take me away for more than three overnights per month. I have a valid drivers' license, passport and am ready to hit the road when you need." Here is an anonymous answer example: "no, i am willing and happy to travel." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: To the point and straightforward. If you have traveled for work in the past, this is a good opportunity to qualify yourself by outlining any previous travel requirements. An anonymous person wrote: "no, i am willing and happy to travel.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: To the point and straightforward. If you have traveled for work in the past, this is a good opportunity to qualify yourself by outlining any previous travel requirements.: 9. Tell me about the most challenging aspect of your previous job. How did you overcome it? Sometimes the most significant workplace challenge is a difficult task that puts you outside of your comfort zone. It could require skills you haven't mastered yet or qualities where you are not the strongest. Explain to the interviewer why it was difficult, but spend more time highlighting the actions you took to overcome the challenge. Example #1: "In my current role, we have global offices that span four time zones. It is an incredible challenge to continually calculate the difference in my mind when I call or email on updates for projects, for instance. I now have each location's time added to my desktop, smartphone, and four individual clocks on my wall. These small and inexpensive changes made all the difference." Example #2: "The most challenging aspect of my previous job was the constant need to pivot when it came to trends in the industry. We would gain footing, and then the next greatest product would arrive. It made it difficult to feel loyalty to any of it. I started to express loyalty to the company's ability to discern great products instead of narrowing in on the products themselves. This shift in thought helped with mine and my teams' performance when it came to sales." Here is an anonymous answer example: "the most challenging aspect of my last role was that we were mostly a managed services organization that had multiple layers of folks separating engineering from our customers. sometimes weeks went by before engineering was even made aware of a problem. i started meeting weekly with the customer support and client services teams, helping surface the most egregious issues, setting aside development time to ensure we were doing right by the customer, and keeping our feedback loops short." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: This sounds like an incredibly tough challenge that you could help solve by using exceptional communication skills. Great answer! An anonymous person wrote: "the most challenging aspect of my last role was that we were mostly a managed services organization that had multiple layers of folks separating engineering from our customers. sometimes weeks went by before engineering was even made aware of a problem. i started meeting weekly with the customer support and client services teams, helping surface the most egregious issues, setting aside development time to ensure we were doing right by the customer, and keeping our feedback loops short.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: This sounds like an incredibly tough challenge that you could help solve by using exceptional communication skills. Great answer!: 10. How do you react when you are dissatisfied with the quality of your work, or the outcome of your work? The interviewer would like to know how you respond to failure in the workplace. There will always be a time when you are not happy with your work environment, but your reaction will determine whether or not you recover from the disappointment. Show that you have the maturity to be able to respond to dissatisfaction productively. Example #1: "The last time I was dissatisfied with my work, I asked my boss if there was time for me to re-do the components with which I was not happy. The deadline was tight, but I did not believe that should affect the quality of what I delivered. She agreed and gave me the time to revisit the aspects that I felt were not up to my usual standard." Example #2: "I like to make a great first impression, so I will rarely be disappointed in the work that I deliver. If I do not deliver to my standard or encounter an unforeseen issue that railroads me, I am quick to assess what I could have done differently and recovered from there." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i'm honest about it. i figure out where i went wrong, let the people i've impacted know, and work hard to either scrap and redo what i've done or iterate on what's already out there. i have a management philosophy rooted in trust, which allows me to bring my whole self to work and, in turn, do the best work of my life while building strong relationships." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Well said! It's great that you added in your management philosophy and that you own up to your work when things go awry. An anonymous person wrote: "i'm honest about it. i figure out where i went wrong, let the people i've impacted know, and work hard to either scrap and redo what i've done or iterate on what's already out there. i have a management philosophy rooted in trust, which allows me to bring my whole self to work and, in turn, do the best work of my life while building strong relationships.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Well said! It's great that you added in your management philosophy and that you own up to your work when things go awry.: 11. If you did not understand a process, what would you do? Wayfair is a multi-national home goods company with over 10,000 suppliers and 10 million products to sell, ship, market, quality test, and more. Because of this volume, Wayfair will have a multitude of essential processes that you will need to follow. Discuss with the interviewer the steps that you take when you do not understand a process. The hiring authority is trying to figure out if you are the type to jump and guess or if you are more likely to ask for help or retrain yourself to ensure that you get it right. Example #1: "If I did not understand a process, I would first look at my manuals or any training portal provided to me by Wayfair. If I could not find the answer for myself, I would ask a manager or other experienced coworker for some direction. I am not the type to jump in and make a mistake while figuring out a process. I am much more systematic than that." Example #2: "If I do not understand a process, I begin with what I do know and work backward from there. I am a solid problem solver and active listener. Chances are, if I have received training in a particular process, I will easily recall the most important information once I have a moment to reflect."12. What do you know about the executive team at Wayfair? Wayfair is highly transparent regarding its executive team and who is behind its dynamic and profitable company. You can easily find the question to this answer on their website. Discuss what you know by pointing out a couple of interesting facts about their executive team, being sure to explain why this makes you excited to work for them. Example #1: "I know that Niraj Shah and Steve Conine founded Wayfair in 2002. The business has grown to over 10,000 employees, and the executive team now consists of 20 team members. It appears that all of your executive team members come from competitive backgrounds, which I am sure is what gives Wayfair the edge it has in the home goods marketplace." Example #2: "I combed through the 'Meet The Team' page on the Wayfair website the other day and was thrilled to see how diverse your executive team was. I read that Wayfair was founded by Niraj Shah and Steve Conine back in 2002, and the team has grown exponentially since then." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i know that niraj shah and steve conine co-founded wayfair in 2002 as csn stores in boston. niraj is the ceo and leads the architecting and software systems that give wayfair a technological edge. after wayfair went public, niraj and steve still own a substantial state in wayfair. the executive team consists of 21 members, according to the website. the team members include jon blotner, the vice president who leads the wayfair private label brands, visual media. michael fleisher is the cfo, and jim miller is the cto. as the category manager, i expect to collaborate with the executive team closely. still, i especially look forward to working with alan lyall and fiona tan since they oversee the supply chain operations. all executive members have extensive working experience at highly respected multinational companies. i am looking forward to working with and learning from them." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Good overview! You have done your research on the history of Wayfair. The most impactful part of your response is describing who you look forward to working alongside and why. This shows off your collaborative nature and your desire to learn from experts in their field. An anonymous person wrote: "i know that niraj shah and steve conine co-founded wayfair in 2002 as csn stores in boston. niraj is the ceo and leads the architecting and software systems that give wayfair a technological edge. after wayfair went public, niraj and steve still own a substantial state in wayfair. the executive team consists of 21 members, according to the website. the team members include jon blotner, the vice president who leads the wayfair private label brands, visual media. michael fleisher is the cfo, and jim miller is the cto. as the category manager, i expect to collaborate with the executive team closely. still, i especially look forward to working with alan lyall and fiona tan since they oversee the supply chain operations. all executive members have extensive working experience at highly respected multinational companies. i am looking forward to working with and learning from them.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Good overview! You have done your research on the history of Wayfair. The most impactful part of your response is describing who you look forward to working alongside and why. This shows off your collaborative nature and your desire to learn from experts in their field.: 13. Which of the Wayfair employee perks interest you the most? Wayfair wants to keep their employees happy and, they accomplish just that! In fact, 85% of employees polled by 'Great Place to Work' said that Wayfair is a great place to work! The perks include professional development, excellent health benefits, flexible days off, fun events, and free snacks! Take a minute to talk to the interviewer about which Wayfair employee perks interest you the most. Example #1: "When I saw that Wayfair was voted #12 and #13 Best Place to Work in Retail over two consecutive years, it caught my eye. I know your offices are a fun, collaborative, and open-air environment that fosters creativity. There are many things I look forward to; however, growing with a company that appreciates its employees is the greatest perk of all." Example #2: "I hear there are free snacks! I'm kidding, of course. There are many benefits to working for Wayfair, as I've discovered through my research on your organization. Best of all is the professional development opportunities you offer. I would love to work for such a huge corporation that still takes the time to invest in the growth of their people."14. What is the Wayfair company tagline? The pressure is on! The interviewer may know you are a good fit for the role, but they also want to know how invested you are. This query is an excellent way for the interviewer to gauge your level of knowledge and interest in Wayfair as a whole. Before your interview, be sure to comb through the Wayfair website to find all the information you need. Chances are, the answer is right in front of you since Wayfair does an excellent job with transparency and providing important company information. Example #1: "The Wayfair tagline is all-encompassing, and I love it. 'A zillion things home!' Well, that pretty much sums up exactly what Wayfair is all about. With over 10 million products, there genuinely is anything and everything to serve any shoppers' needs." Example #2: "The Wayfair company tagline is 'a zillion things home.' This tagline is simple but says it all. I appreciate that I can go onto the Wayfair website and always find anything I need and more. The slogan is accurate, no doubt!"15. Wayfair empowers employees to take smart risks. Tell me about a time when you made a calculated risk at work. There is a big difference between risky decisions and calculated risks. Being able to take smart risks and inspire calculated risks in others is a valuable skill. Smart risks could include giving a customer an extra discount, using a non-traditional method for attracting new employees, or pitching an off-beat marketing strategy. Discuss a time when you have made a calculated risk at work. Be sure to use an example where the outcome was positive. Example #1: "In my current role, I found that we had a significant drop in online applicants. I decided that I would go to them rather than waiting for the candidates to come to me. I started a spearheading initiative on Instagram, and it was a huge success! So far, we have added six new staff members to our team, and now we are looking at building an influencer marketing strategy." Example #2: "I took a calculated risk at work just last week when I asked to pitch a marketing strategy that came to my mind. This was an unusual ask in customer service but something I felt passionate about and wanted to pitch. My boss loved the initiative and, although I don't believe my idea will be a go, I am happy to have had the opportunity to show my employer that I care enough about the company to put in that extra effort." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i took a calculated risk at ____ when we were preparing to launch our app in mexico. all required application documents were submitted to the regulatory authority, but they turned our application down. this was a devastating blow as the driver service centers were already set up, and advertisements were running. without approval, our team would burn hundreds of thousands of dollars daily and risk low user retention. i quickly gathered our government affairs, finance, and it teams to brainstorm. the government affairs team analyzed news articles about how our competitor had security issues and operated without the proper license. i empathized with the transportation authority to understand their motivation and concluded that the most likely bottleneck was concern about driver and passenger safety. my team worked closely with the technology team to install a safety feature that would enable passengers to seamlessly alert the police if they felt endangered. we resubmitted our application and offered to share aggregated traffic statistics to help solve congestion problems. after confirming the safety feature worked and detecting our cooperativeness, the authority granted us the permit. we subsequently successfully launched operations in three more mexican cities." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: This story is highly engaging, and it puts a significant spotlight on a few of your qualities, such as taking a calculated risk, working hard to dig for solutions, and setting out to solve problems even if they seem insurmountable. Outstanding work! An anonymous person wrote: "i took a calculated risk at ____ when we were preparing to launch our app in mexico. all required application documents were submitted to the regulatory authority, but they turned our application down. this was a devastating blow as the driver service centers were already set up, and advertisements were running. without approval, our team would burn hundreds of thousands of dollars daily and risk low user retention. i quickly gathered our government affairs, finance, and it teams to brainstorm. the government affairs team analyzed news articles about how our competitor had security issues and operated without the proper license. i empathized with the transportation authority to understand their motivation and concluded that the most likely bottleneck was concern about driver and passenger safety. my team worked closely with the technology team to install a safety feature that would enable passengers to seamlessly alert the police if they felt endangered. we resubmitted our application and offered to share aggregated traffic statistics to help solve congestion problems. after confirming the safety feature worked and detecting our cooperativeness, the authority granted us the permit. we subsequently successfully launched operations in three more mexican cities.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: This story is highly engaging, and it puts a significant spotlight on a few of your qualities, such as taking a calculated risk, working hard to dig for solutions, and setting out to solve problems even if they seem insurmountable. Outstanding work!: 16. At Wayfair, we encourage you to help us set new standards. What would you change about our company, right now, if you could? Alarm bells are ringing! This question is a scary one to be asked because you don't want to be an abrasive know-it-all, showing the interviewer how you would run the company if it were yours. Also, you don't want to appear as a passive candidate with zero opinion or creativity. Your best bet is to speak from your first-hand experience. For instance, maybe you have a suggestion for the customer or even the candidate's journey. Perhaps you see an opportunity for more social media engagement. Whichever advice you bring up, keep it light and end your statement with a compliment. Example #1: "I would love to see Wayfair have more stories on Instagram and Snapchat on decor ideas, new products, and fun ways to decorate small spaces. With so many options for social media engagement, I look forward to pitching some of my ideas. The clean color scheme on your Instagram grid is inspiring and fun to scroll through." Example #2: "Now that I have gone through the candidate experience, I can genuinely say that it's one of the smoothest I have experienced so far. With that said, if I could change anything at all, I would make your candidate portal a bit easier to work through on mobile. Other than that, your team has been super responsive, friendly, and welcoming!" Here is an anonymous answer example: "i think it'd be cool to have someone upload blueprints of the house, maybe measurements per room, and allow us to drag-and-drop already purchased furniture from wayfair to various spots in the house and then give personalized interior designer suggestions on what can go where (or what i may add) to transform the home into a new style in a budget-friendly way." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: This is a great suggestion, especially with design apps being so hot right now. Your answer is thoughtful and one that the interviewer should certainly appreciate. Here is an anonymous answer example: "i think wayfair is doing pretty well, but i'll add two services if i can. one is "furniture removal service" because, as a consumer, i want to replace a piece of furniture, and it's such a hassle to discard the old bulky furniture. i actually end up using it way longer than i wanted. i am willing to pay a reasonable price to remove the furniture; the second feature i'd like to add is a collaboration with interior design apps; we can incorporate some of the best sellers into the app so designers can play with the pieces. the last one is to provide financial services to suppliers; since we have insights into their inventory and data on their operations, it's easier for wayfair to do a risk assessment of the suppliers and provide them with working capital or short-term loans. this way, we help the suppliers grow with wayfair." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: All of these suggestions are thoughtful, and you approach giving suggestions with a helpful and humble tone. Great thinking with all of these ideas. This answer will show the interviewer that you have a strong understanding of the industry, market needs, and potential areas for growth. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "i think it'd be cool to have someone upload blueprints of the house, maybe measurements per room, and allow us to drag-and-drop already purchased furniture from wayfair to various spots in the house and then give personalized interior designer suggestions on what can go where (or what i may add) to transform the home into a new style in a budget-friendly way.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: This is a great suggestion, especially with design apps being so hot right now. Your answer is thoughtful and one that the interviewer should certainly appreciate.: An anonymous person wrote: "i think wayfair is doing pretty well, but i'll add two services if i can. one is "furniture removal service" because, as a consumer, i want to replace a piece of furniture, and it's such a hassle to discard the old bulky furniture. i actually end up using it way longer than i wanted. i am willing to pay a reasonable price to remove the furniture; the second feature i'd like to add is a collaboration with interior design apps; we can incorporate some of the best sellers into the app so designers can play with the pieces. the last one is to provide financial services to suppliers; since we have insights into their inventory and data on their operations, it's easier for wayfair to do a risk assessment of the suppliers and provide them with working capital or short-term loans. this way, we help the suppliers grow with wayfair.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: All of these suggestions are thoughtful, and you approach giving suggestions with a helpful and humble tone. Great thinking with all of these ideas. This answer will show the interviewer that you have a strong understanding of the industry, market needs, and potential areas for growth.: 17. Name for me three of Wayfair's retail brands. The interviewer is checking in to see how much research you have done on their company before your interview. Wayfair proudly displays some of their top brands on their corporate website and, if you have visited their retail site, you will see that you can search and filter by brand. Keep your answer short and sweet by naming a few brands you know and perhaps discussing any brands you have purchased from Wayfair. If you have never made a purchase from Wayfair in the past, try to go through the online customer experience before your meeting. Example #1: "I shop on the Wayfair website at least weekly! I love modern furniture, and the brands that I continue to visit on your site include Mercury Row, Zipcode Design, and Ebern Designs. There are many more brands that I love; however, these are the ones I tend to go back to time and time again." Example #2: "When visiting the Wayfair corporate website, I noticed that you advertise a few of your own retail brands, which include All Modern, Birch Lane, and Perigold. I am amazed at how successful Wayfair has been and how the company has so quickly grown. I look forward to joining an organization with such incredible brand awareness and an eye for beautiful design." Here is an anonymous answer example: "ink & ivy, birch lane, all modern, my dining set is from one allium way. in 2017, i moved from a condo in south boston to a house out in the suburbs and was looking to furnish my home. i discovered wayfair and ended up buying everything from there. i look forward to joining an organization with such incredible brand awareness and an eye for beautiful design." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: You obviously know the Wayfair site and brands very well. Perfect answer! Here is an anonymous answer example: "there is the main wayfair website, and allmodern, birch lane, perigold for the luxury, and joss and maine." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Terrific! Your answer will show the interviewer that you have done your homework on Wayfair and its brands. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "ink & ivy, birch lane, all modern, my dining set is from one allium way. in 2017, i moved from a condo in south boston to a house out in the suburbs and was looking to furnish my home. i discovered wayfair and ended up buying everything from there. i look forward to joining an organization with such incredible brand awareness and an eye for beautiful design.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: You obviously know the Wayfair site and brands very well. Perfect answer!: An anonymous person wrote: "there is the main wayfair website, and allmodern, birch lane, perigold for the luxury, and joss and maine.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Terrific! Your answer will show the interviewer that you have done your homework on Wayfair and its brands.: 18. Wayfair is an enterprise obsessed with data. How do you use data to make smart decisions, in your current role? Companies so heavily based on tech and e-commerce rely on data for a multitude of reasons. Data can tell Wayfair the demographic of their top customers, their lowest spending customers, pique times for online shopping, and thousands of other factors when analyzed correctly. This data leads to company decisions on hiring, training, purchasing, marketing campaigns, and more. Discuss how you use data in your current job and how that data helps you make the best decisions. Example #1: "In my current role, I use geo-data a lot. When I know the customers' location, I can figure out the most popular products in their region, allowing me to make great upselling suggestions during customer service calls. I appreciate being privy to data this specific as it enables me to be a better performer and a more helpful customer service agent." Example #2: "I tend to look through our customer demographics a lot, which helps a great deal when it comes to deciding which products to advertise and which ones on which to scale back. It's a big deal for a company to rely on data so readily, and I'm thrilled to hear that Wayfair is data-centric." Here is an anonymous answer example: "when i first arrived at my last role, engineering management was flying blind. we didn't have the data or systems in place to know where developer time was going. i put systems in place to collect and make every aspect of engineering management more transparent. we found that over 80% of our development time was spent on interruptions to regularly scheduled project work. i've spent much of my career reversing that trend, ultimately achieving a 20% support to project work ratio. asking what the data says before acting is a disruptive option in some company cultures, and wayfair's emphasis on data-driven decision-making is one i share." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: By sharing the results of your project innovations, you are proving to the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. Very well done! An anonymous person wrote: "when i first arrived at my last role, engineering management was flying blind. we didn't have the data or systems in place to know where developer time was going. i put systems in place to collect and make every aspect of engineering management more transparent. we found that over 80% of our development time was spent on interruptions to regularly scheduled project work. i've spent much of my career reversing that trend, ultimately achieving a 20% support to project work ratio. asking what the data says before acting is a disruptive option in some company cultures, and wayfair's emphasis on data-driven decision-making is one i share.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: By sharing the results of your project innovations, you are proving to the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. Very well done!: 19. Have you ever purchased from Wayfair? If so, walk me through your experience. If not, how could we gain you as a customer? The interviewer wants to know that you have the full picture when it comes to the Wayfair experience. If you have never purchased from Wayfair, ask around or research online, and look for common denominators in people's reviews of the company. Take note if most people comment on the over and above customer service or the vast range of product selection. Be ready to discuss how Wayfair can gain your business if you have not shopped there before. If you have bought at Wayfair in the past, describe for the interviewer your most positive experience. Discuss what stood out the most to you. Example #1: "I made my first purchase from Wayfair just three months ago, when I ordered a new side table. It's a mirrored table and, unfortunately, delivered with a crack in the glass. I called Wayfair customer service and had a replacement at my door just two days later. The service went far beyond my expectations!" Example #2: "The place that I rent is fully furnished so, at this time, I don't have a significant need for home goods. However, my mom is an avid Wayfair shopper! She and I spend time on Sunday afternoons looking through the site and adding to her Christmas wish list. I look forward to using Wayfair when I have a home of my own and need to furnish it!" Here is an anonymous answer example: "yes, i've purchased over 10k worth of home goods from wayfair, and the only incident i had was one in which i thought the dining room set that i had ordered possibly wouldn't get here in time for christmas break with my whole extended family. i had a great experience with customer service as they kept me up to speed on the delivery status, and it came on time for the holidays." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Excellent! It's wonderful that you have so much experience with the Wayfair customer journey already - really giving you an edge in the interview. Here is an anonymous answer example: "last month, i dove into the wayfair professional funnel on the website. however, i accidentally said i was a business designer rather than a consumer and couldn't change my answer. fortunately, wayfair requested my phone number and email address. they called me that evening and helped me resolve the issue. they also explained the wayfair professional program so i could get a better idea about it." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It sounds like your customer service experience was a positive one. The interviewer should be happy to hear that you did a deep dive into their successful Wayfair Professional program. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "yes, i've purchased over 10k worth of home goods from wayfair, and the only incident i had was one in which i thought the dining room set that i had ordered possibly wouldn't get here in time for christmas break with my whole extended family. i had a great experience with customer service as they kept me up to speed on the delivery status, and it came on time for the holidays.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Excellent! It's wonderful that you have so much experience with the Wayfair customer journey already - really giving you an edge in the interview.: An anonymous person wrote: "last month, i dove into the wayfair professional funnel on the website. however, i accidentally said i was a business designer rather than a consumer and couldn't change my answer. fortunately, wayfair requested my phone number and email address. they called me that evening and helped me resolve the issue. they also explained the wayfair professional program so i could get a better idea about it.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It sounds like your customer service experience was a positive one. The interviewer should be happy to hear that you did a deep dive into their successful Wayfair Professional program.: 20. How have you demonstrated a willingness to work hard, in your current role? Rather than stating that you are a hard worker like anyone could do, the interviewer is looking for you to give an example of a time when you have shown your ability to work hard and pull through for your employer. Describe when you worked hard in your current role to go over and above the minimal expectations. Remember, Wayfair is looking for employees who will immerse themselves into the culture and mission of their organization. Example #1: "We changed our product catalog recently, so I had to re-memorize a lot of products, codes, and pricing. That following week was a considerable home goods tradeshow, so I needed to have my product knowledge up to snuff. I made flashcards and tested myself every chance that I got. I was proud of my ability to retain all of that data in such a short amount of time." Example #2: "I have to be extra thorough when taking on new vendor accounts, ensuring that my work is detailed and accurate. Often this will mean spending additional time on calls with their legal team to highlight contract changes or areas that need addressing. I am okay with being extra thorough when needed, as it makes my job easier in the end." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i have to be extra thorough when taking on new vendors as my company is in the process of getting certified to process card payments—ensuring that vendors have proven experience to deliver during the vetting process is critical. this means spending additional time on calls with their old clients to understand their express with said vendors. speaking to subject matter experts for some knowledge learning sessions to close up on knowledge gaps. these additional steps ensure i am making the best decision for the company." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Marcie Wilmot said: This is an excellent answer and example of how you work hard for your current company. Just remember to spell out how your example ties into the question. For example, start by saying something like: "I have always been a hard worker with an impeccable work ethic. Within my current company, I exhibit this by..." and then launch into the example you have provided. Nice job! An anonymous person wrote: "i have to be extra thorough when taking on new vendors as my company is in the process of getting certified to process card payments—ensuring that vendors have proven experience to deliver during the vetting process is critical. this means spending additional time on calls with their old clients to understand their express with said vendors. speaking to subject matter experts for some knowledge learning sessions to close up on knowledge gaps. these additional steps ensure i am making the best decision for the company.": Marcie Wilmot reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: This is an excellent answer and example of how you work hard for your current company. Just remember to spell out how your example ties into the question. For example, start by saying something like: "I have always been a hard worker with an impeccable work ethic. Within my current company, I exhibit this by..." and then launch into the example you have provided. Nice job!: 21. Wayfair commits to providing industry-leading technology. Do you consider yourself tech-savvy? Why or why not? When it comes to the job posting, Wayfair may or may not mention the tech they use. If you are unsure which programs you will be using in this role, it's okay to ask the interviewer to elaborate. However, the primary question here is if you consider yourself to be tech-savvy. To help the interviewer better understand your skill level, you could rank yourself as beginner, intermediate, advanced, or expert. Alternately, you can rate yourself from 1-10. Be sure to mention the programs in which you are most experienced. Example #1: "I love all things tech, especially productivity tools! I consider myself an expert when it comes to picking up new tech very quickly. The programs in which I am best versed include the entire Microsoft suite, Wrike, Zoho CRM, and SAP. Could you share with me which tools I would be using most in this role?" Example #2: "I have learned a few programs over the years and feel that I catch on in the normal amount of time, if not sooner. I used a lot of team-based messaging tools in my current role, as well as Salesforce and Oracle. I feel confident in my ability to learn the Wayfair systems and tools."22. Do you have a passion for the home-space or e-commerce? The interviewer wants to know why you are choosing to apply to Wayfair rather than another e-commerce or retail giant in a different industry. This response is where you need to show the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in their product and mission as a whole. Perhaps you follow many home decor accounts on Instagram, or you have boards of DIY projects saved on Pinterest. You can keep your response concise, expressing your interest in an area related to the product you would promote if you worked at Wayfair. Example #1: "I love to decorate my home, especially seasonally. Wayfair has been my favorite place to shop for patio accessories, lights, and outdoor tableware. I love to entertain, and I could buy the whole website some days." Example #2: "I have worked in the e-commerce space for many years. I have seen the possibilities grow to the point where people can now easily purchase a huge couch online. It's exciting to see the changes in retail and e-commerce and how options like Wayfair have changed an entire industry and the way people think about shopping for home goods." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i have a passion for the technology and people scale required to run a business with over 10m products and over 10k suppliers. i have a passion for creating next-generation warehousing technology and order fulfillment strategies. it's exciting to see the changes in retail and e-commerce, how options like wayfair have changed an entire industry, and how people think about shopping for home goods." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Perfection! Your interest in technology and fulfillment strategies really shines. Here is an anonymous answer example: "in the about us section of the job posting, it says, "we're reinventing the way people shop for their homes." i want to contribute to products that elicit behavior change and bring joy to people's lives. i strongly support the mission and vision of wayfair. i appreciate that wayfair gives time and resources to the homeless and foster children in the community through the charitable giving program. as someone who has volunteered with homeless animals, i strongly believe in giving volunteer time to projects or issues i am passionate about because i like to experience and see the impact." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It seems that your values align very well with Wayfair and the giving initiatives they offer. Your passion for brightening up the lives of others is very apparent here - nice work! Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "i have a passion for the technology and people scale required to run a business with over 10m products and over 10k suppliers. i have a passion for creating next-generation warehousing technology and order fulfillment strategies. it's exciting to see the changes in retail and e-commerce, how options like wayfair have changed an entire industry, and how people think about shopping for home goods.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Perfection! Your interest in technology and fulfillment strategies really shines.: An anonymous person wrote: "in the about us section of the job posting, it says, "we're reinventing the way people shop for their homes." i want to contribute to products that elicit behavior change and bring joy to people's lives. i strongly support the mission and vision of wayfair. i appreciate that wayfair gives time and resources to the homeless and foster children in the community through the charitable giving program. as someone who has volunteered with homeless animals, i strongly believe in giving volunteer time to projects or issues i am passionate about because i like to experience and see the impact.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It seems that your values align very well with Wayfair and the giving initiatives they offer. Your passion for brightening up the lives of others is very apparent here - nice work!: 23. How would a job at Wayfair fit into your career path? The interviewer would like to know that you see this position and working for Wayfair overall as a good fit. They also want to know if this role is a lateral move that you are complacent with taking until something better comes along. Assure the interviewer that this position will be challenging for you, is a step up in responsibilities, and fits your overall career goals. A well-thought-out answer will show the interviewer you have considered the pros and cons of this position regarding the impact it will have on your career. Example #1: "This position aligns nicely with my career goal of becoming a team leader within e-commerce and a tech-driven environment. The role is in my comfort zone, but a new enough approach that will intrigue me, and your company size is adequate to support growth." Example #2: "I have been looking at new opportunities coming through Wayfair for some time now, waiting for the right opportunity to open up. I am seeking a role just like this one that is a jump up in responsibilities, but still within the retail space. My most immediate need is mentorship into a leadership role within a call center environment. From the research I have conducted on Wayfair, I understand that you have many opportunities for professional development and career growth." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i am seeking a role to conjure my passion in e-commerce, home furnishing, and hands-on management experience. i've developed skill sets in strategies, operations, and communications. i believe that the category manager role at wayfair suits my interests and career development opportunities perfectly -- i want to grow as a leader in the cross-border e-commerce area at a fast-growing company. wayfair employees are also known to be bright and hardworking, the caliber i seek and strive for." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Awesome answer! Your enthusiasm shines through in this response, and you do a terrific job qualifying yourself for this role. It's evident that the combination of e-commerce, home furnishings, and hands-on management inspires you. The knowledge that you express regarding Wayfair's employee caliber is a great touch. An anonymous person wrote: "i am seeking a role to conjure my passion in e-commerce, home furnishing, and hands-on management experience. i've developed skill sets in strategies, operations, and communications. i believe that the category manager role at wayfair suits my interests and career development opportunities perfectly -- i want to grow as a leader in the cross-border e-commerce area at a fast-growing company. wayfair employees are also known to be bright and hardworking, the caliber i seek and strive for.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Awesome answer! Your enthusiasm shines through in this response, and you do a terrific job qualifying yourself for this role. It's evident that the combination of e-commerce, home furnishings, and hands-on management inspires you. The knowledge that you express regarding Wayfair's employee caliber is a great touch.: 24. Have you ever negotiated favorable terms with suppliers or vendors? Wayfair offers incredible pricing for their customers, but they have to start with negotiating great value from their suppliers and vendors. All 10,000 of them, to be exact! Talk to the interviewer about any experience you have in negotiations. Be sure to mention any training you may have when it comes to sales or deal-making. Example #1: "Although I have not yet worked at the level where I would be negotiating terms, I have received sales and customer service training which I believe would help me when it comes to conversations surrounding price and delivery terms. I am comfortable being in a supplier facing position and look forward to further training in negotiating best terms." Example #2: "When I worked in the warehouse office for my former company, I spent a great deal of time on the phone, tracking shipments and refunds, as well as negotiating better rates during pique seasons. I had a script to work from, which helped a lot at first. Over time, I became more comfortable with conversations that involved negotiating."25. At Wayfair, we always think of the customer first. What are the top 3 ways that we can ensure consumer satisfaction? When it comes to online shopping and fast delivery, Wayfair promises it all. The satisfaction of their customers is everything! These days, with reviews online and the power of social media, think of how you will ensure that customer satisfaction is a priority when working at Wayfair. Express your interest in the customer experience and your commitment to delivering exceptional service. Example #1: "Customer satisfaction comes from offering amazing value. The product must be surprisingly high quality, be delivered quickly, and be what the customer expected upon arrival. The other way I ensure consumer satisfaction is through easy access to helpful answers. With Wayfair, I will ensure that every customer receives solid service when they call in. This level of service means providing answers to their questions that reach far beyond the typical chatbot that many of your competitors offer." Example #2: "There are many ways to ensure consumer satisfaction; however, I feel that the 3 top ways to ensure customer satisfaction are through top-notch service, excellent follow-up, and consistently providing a product that solves a specific and important everyday need. Wayfair checks all of these boxes, whether it be with your great customer service training or the multiple resources online for customers looking for tutorials on how to shop, decorate, or assemble." Here is an anonymous answer example: "as a wayfair customer, i think the top 3 elements that ensure my satisfaction are: products arrive as described and intact; delivery experience: products arrive on time and delivered seamlessly; and customer service is crucial in case i need to report a problem. as a category manager, i think it's absolutely key for me to identify and source from reliable suppliers and make sure the descriptions of the products are complete and accurate. also, i need to work closely with the logistics department to ensure that delivery would have no issue. lastly, it's key to prepare the customer service team for special products that require extra handling." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Your answer shows that you bring a 360-degree view of the work at hand and how your actions will impact the overall customer experience. It's clear that you have a dedicated interest in doing your part to put the customer first, ensuring total satisfaction. An anonymous person wrote: "as a wayfair customer, i think the top 3 elements that ensure my satisfaction are: products arrive as described and intact; delivery experience: products arrive on time and delivered seamlessly; and customer service is crucial in case i need to report a problem. as a category manager, i think it's absolutely key for me to identify and source from reliable suppliers and make sure the descriptions of the products are complete and accurate. also, i need to work closely with the logistics department to ensure that delivery would have no issue. lastly, it's key to prepare the customer service team for special products that require extra handling.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Your answer shows that you bring a 360-degree view of the work at hand and how your actions will impact the overall customer experience. It's clear that you have a dedicated interest in doing your part to put the customer first, ensuring total satisfaction.: 26. Have you ever worked with a CRM, or client management software? This question is a simple one to answer if you have a good memory! Before your interview, you should jot down the names of all software and programs that you have used in your current and previous roles. Be prepared to discuss the systems with which you have the most experience. Once you have this list, you can also add these details to your resume. Some of the most popular CRM's include: - Zoho - Oracle - HubSpot - Salesforce - NetSuite - Microsoft Dynamics Example #1: "I have worked with a couple of different CRM programs in my career. Primarily, Salesforce and Oracle. The companies I have worked for have all been enterprise-level organizations, just like Wayfair, requiring higher levels of CRM support and options. Could you share with me which programs you use here?" Example #2: "We use a variety of systems in my current role, both in customer and inventory management. I am best versed in Oracle and HubSpot. For team communication, I use Slack and Trello quite often." Here is an anonymous answer example: "yes, i'm deeply familiar with salesforce and ended up building an integration between our web portal and salesforce so customers could see in-app, which members of our client services team were tasked with servicing their accounts." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It's awesome how you added in the integration work you performed rather than just saying you were experienced with Salesforce. Great work! An anonymous person wrote: "yes, i'm deeply familiar with salesforce and ended up building an integration between our web portal and salesforce so customers could see in-app, which members of our client services team were tasked with servicing their accounts.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It's awesome how you added in the integration work you performed rather than just saying you were experienced with Salesforce. Great work!: 27. How did you prepare for this interview? The interviewer is putting you on the spot just slightly! They want to hear the steps that you took to prepare for your interview today. The wrong answer is that you are winging it. Even if you did not have a lot of time to prep for the meeting or a last-minute booking, chances are you still took the time to search Wayfair online or read through the job description. Wayfair even offers interview success tips on their careers website, which you may find helpful during your interview prep time. Example #1: "Wayfair is an organization that I have had my eye on for some time now. I am well aware of your company history and took some time this week to get to know your product lines, as well as your online interview tips. I feel well prepared for our meeting today." Example #2: "I am aware that you launched collaborations with a few new brands this year, so I have taken significant time to learn about them. I have watched YouTube videos and tutorials on your sales process and have familiarized myself with your latest advertising campaign in the USA and Canada." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i looked at wayfair's engineering blog and got to know some of the technologies utilized across the 800+ team members. i also looked at other engineering cultures like hubspot and spotify that i respect and admire to see if engineering principles and best practices i've been championing still apply. focus on the customer, think big, provide your team with a vision, and give them some autonomy and make sure your team has the support necessary to deliver great results are all principles i stand by." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Wow - you did some amazing research! This answer is on point. Well done. An anonymous person wrote: "i looked at wayfair's engineering blog and got to know some of the technologies utilized across the 800+ team members. i also looked at other engineering cultures like hubspot and spotify that i respect and admire to see if engineering principles and best practices i've been championing still apply. focus on the customer, think big, provide your team with a vision, and give them some autonomy and make sure your team has the support necessary to deliver great results are all principles i stand by.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Wow - you did some amazing research! This answer is on point. Well done.: 28. What steps do you take to solve a problem? Wayfair leaders are enormous fans of proactive problem-solving! The interviewer would like to know that you understand the importance of taking calculated steps when problem-solving in the workplace. Most candidates want to sound like go-getters, and their first instinct would be to say that they jump right in. Jumping right in can cause costly mistakes and oversights. Assure the interviewer that you will workshop the issue before diving in! Here are some steps to take: 1. Identify The Problem. Proper problem solving involves ensuring that you are very clear on the nature of the problem. Be sure that you fully understand the core of the problem before trying to repair it. 2. Identify The Stakeholders. Ask yourself what the best case resolution will be for all stakeholders, not just for yourself. Ask yourself what is best for the company, your coworkers, and your clients. 3. List Your Options. The third step is to figure out your options when it comes to your course of action. Write them down if you need to. 4. Evaluate Your Options. Take a look at your list of potential actions and see if you can solve the problem using just one or a blend of them. 5. Execute! Finally, execute your well-researched action plan. Be sure to set up a follow-up time to ensure that your solution worked. Example #1: "When I need to solve a problem, I first stop to ensure that I understand the issue at hand. Once I do, I will think of potential fixes and the pros and cons of each. Whichever solution or a blend of solutions is best for the customer, I will choose that option." Example #2: "Problem-solving in an e-commerce environment is challenging in the sense that the issue is often something that needs to be fixed immediately, like a faulty product or an upset customer. When faced with a problem, I ask questions first to ensure that I fully understand the core of the issue. Once I fully understand the core of the problem, I can more easily troubleshoot from there." Here is an anonymous answer example: "first, understand the problem, and see if you can work your way back to identifying a root cause. the second step would be to brainstorm and come up with a list of possible solutions. then converge on the single-most effective, affordable solution with the least side effects. after implementation, keep an eye on results and iterate if you have to." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Your answer is clear and easy to follow. You have expressed yourself very well here. Here is an anonymous answer example: "first, i will understand why it is a problem and who is getting affected. then i would deep dive into the context, such as when and where the problem arose. i would make a list of ideas with the help of stakeholders and prioritize them according to the resources and impact. once the plans are prioritized, i will figure a way to quickly produce them for validation." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It seems you have an excellent process in place for problem-solving and that you take a careful approach by first identifying the issue and who the issue impacts. Well done! Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "first, understand the problem, and see if you can work your way back to identifying a root cause. the second step would be to brainstorm and come up with a list of possible solutions. then converge on the single-most effective, affordable solution with the least side effects. after implementation, keep an eye on results and iterate if you have to.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Your answer is clear and easy to follow. You have expressed yourself very well here.: An anonymous person wrote: "first, i will understand why it is a problem and who is getting affected. then i would deep dive into the context, such as when and where the problem arose. i would make a list of ideas with the help of stakeholders and prioritize them according to the resources and impact. once the plans are prioritized, i will figure a way to quickly produce them for validation.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It seems you have an excellent process in place for problem-solving and that you take a careful approach by first identifying the issue and who the issue impacts. Well done!: 29. What is your first reaction when you do something wrong at work? Wayfair encourages learning lessons, being a go-getter, and facing problems with a solution-focused mindset. How you react to an error made will tell the interviewer a great deal about you and your honesty level. Perhaps the mistake could land you in a lot of trouble. Think - would you try to hide the incident, or would you tell a supervisor right away and have the situation rectified. Example #1: "My first reaction when I do something wrong at work is to own it. How can anything be repaired if nobody even has a chance to fix it on time? That would be my line of thinking if a mistake were to occur." Example #2: "I was raised to be upfront about my mistakes, and for that reason, I would tell my manager or supervisor and ask for help to fix the problem." Here is an anonymous answer example: "my first reaction would be to own it, let the relevant people know, and give them a time estimate on when feature x will be fixed. after the fire dies down, i'll circle back and do a mini-retrospective of sorts and figure out what series of events led to that mistake being made and see if there is anything i can do to prevent that from happening again in the future." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: Excellent response! The fact that you would apply this as a learning experience is exactly what the interviewer wants to hear. Here is an anonymous answer example: "i take a deep breath and apologize to my team members for letting them down. then i take another deep breath to be thankful to have so many talented team members who are willing to help me fix it. with another deep breath, i promise myself not to repeat those mistakes, collaborate with everyone for their feedback at an early stage, and start over." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It sounds like you are very self-aware and courteous in the workplace. This is an excellent approach to fixing errors in the workplace. Here is an anonymous answer example: "accountability and follow-through are both important to me. when one is accountable, we can resolve it more quickly. i would address it with my supervisor, own it, and offer my solutions and action items to fix it. after the issue has been resolved, i would follow up with my supervisor with lessons learned to determine how to prevent it from happening in the future and what i could do next time." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: These are perfect steps to take should something at work go awry. You show a lot of initiative here and a willingness to grow and learn. Community Answers: An anonymous person wrote: "my first reaction would be to own it, let the relevant people know, and give them a time estimate on when feature x will be fixed. after the fire dies down, i'll circle back and do a mini-retrospective of sorts and figure out what series of events led to that mistake being made and see if there is anything i can do to prevent that from happening again in the future.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: Excellent response! The fact that you would apply this as a learning experience is exactly what the interviewer wants to hear.: An anonymous person wrote: "i take a deep breath and apologize to my team members for letting them down. then i take another deep breath to be thankful to have so many talented team members who are willing to help me fix it. with another deep breath, i promise myself not to repeat those mistakes, collaborate with everyone for their feedback at an early stage, and start over.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It sounds like you are very self-aware and courteous in the workplace. This is an excellent approach to fixing errors in the workplace.: An anonymous person wrote: "accountability and follow-through are both important to me. when one is accountable, we can resolve it more quickly. i would address it with my supervisor, own it, and offer my solutions and action items to fix it. after the issue has been resolved, i would follow up with my supervisor with lessons learned to determine how to prevent it from happening in the future and what i could do next time.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: These are perfect steps to take should something at work go awry. You show a lot of initiative here and a willingness to grow and learn.: 30. Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue? Wayfair seeks creative people for their teams, no matter the department or role you are applying to. The interviewer would like to know how you express your creativity outside of the workplace. A genuinely creative-minded person will have outside activities aside from what's happening in the workplace. Tell the interviewer about the variety of ways in which you express your creativity. Example #1: "I have a lot of energy, so I like to bring out my creative side on the weekends by attending local art events, going to the theater, or trying a new paint and sip class. I look forward to bringing this creative energy to Wayfair." Example #2: "As an avid reader, I also explore writing. Cooking is also art for me, and I try to incorporate creativity into the fun meals I prepare for family and friends. In fact, a lot of my kitchen goods are from Wayfair! I am addicted to your kitchen section." Here is an anonymous answer example: "i love spending time with kids and brainstorming with them. we're of like minds; we love to optimize everything and ideate on everything, so most weekends we try out something fun like hiking, exploring our local library, or just drawing random stuff on the whiteboard. the other day we put out a lemonade stand for people driving by while also trying to sell the crochet that the moms took over 40 hours to make for $2." In response to the anonymous answer example, here is what Rachelle Enns said: It sounds like you have a well-rounded life, which the interviewer will be happy to hear. Candidates need to live a full life in and outside of work! An anonymous person wrote: "i love spending time with kids and brainstorming with them. we're of like minds; we love to optimize everything and ideate on everything, so most weekends we try out something fun like hiking, exploring our local library, or just drawing random stuff on the whiteboard. the other day we put out a lemonade stand for people driving by while also trying to sell the crochet that the moms took over 40 hours to make for $2.": Rachelle Enns reviewed the anonymous answer and gave this advice: It sounds like you have a well-rounded life, which the interviewer will be happy to hear. Candidates need to live a full life in and outside of work!:

  • 5.

    Wayfair is one of the world's largest online destinations for the home. Why are you the best candidate for us?

  • 6.

    Due to the Wayfair customer promise, we face aggressive deadlines daily. How will you cope with this pressure?

  • 7.

    Wayfair offers rapid growth and professional development. Which long-term path would you take with us if you could choose?

  • 8.

    This position may require you to attend tradeshows. Are you restricted in any way, when it comes to travel?

  • 9.

    Tell me about the most challenging aspect of your previous job. How did you overcome it?

  • 10.

    How do you react when you are dissatisfied with the quality of your work, or the outcome of your work?

  • 11.

    If you did not understand a process, what would you do?

  • 12.

    What do you know about the executive team at Wayfair?

  • 13.

    Which of the Wayfair employee perks interest you the most?

  • 14.

    What is the Wayfair company tagline?

  • 15.

    Wayfair empowers employees to take smart risks. Tell me about a time when you made a calculated risk at work.

  • 16.

    At Wayfair, we encourage you to help us set new standards. What would you change about our company, right now, if you could?

  • 17.

    Name for me three of Wayfair's retail brands.

  • 18.

    Wayfair is an enterprise obsessed with data. How do you use data to make smart decisions, in your current role?

  • 19.

    Have you ever purchased from Wayfair? If so, walk me through your experience. If not, how could we gain you as a customer?

  • 20.

    How have you demonstrated a willingness to work hard, in your current role?

  • 21.

    Wayfair commits to providing industry-leading technology. Do you consider yourself tech-savvy? Why or why not?

  • 22.

    Do you have a passion for the home-space or e-commerce?

  • 23.

    How would a job at Wayfair fit into your career path?

  • 24.

    Have you ever negotiated favorable terms with suppliers or vendors?

  • 25.

    At Wayfair, we always think of the customer first. What are the top 3 ways that we can ensure consumer satisfaction?

  • 26.

    Have you ever worked with a CRM, or client management software?

  • 27.

    How did you prepare for this interview?

  • 28.

    What steps do you take to solve a problem?

  • 29.

    What is your first reaction when you do something wrong at work?

  • 30.

    Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?

  • Wayfair Interview Of Designers - Professional Christmas Decorating


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